Wednesday, December 30, 2015

December Favorites!

Posted by Meghan at 6:26 PM
Wow, I cannot believe it's the end of 2015 already! This is crazy, seriously.

Anyways, I bring you one final favorites post for 2015, choc-full of... random things, as usual.



First up is NHL--namely, the Chicago Blackhawks!

the chicago blackhawks (left to right: toews, shaw, kane, sharp, keith).

Now, growing up in Wisconsin + going up to visit once I moved, I've always been around hockey. I've been to a few games down where I live now, but it's not the same, you know? Anyways, the reason I like the Blackhawks is firstly because that's the team my mom likes, and secondly because my dad is from Chicago. I love the players (Toews, Kane, Shaw, + Panarin are my personal faves), and I love that they really do work like a team, rather than one really good player and a bunch of mediocre ones. Toews + Kane are sort of the front-runners, but they certainly are helped out!
Anyways, enough rambling. I've been recently obsessed with hockey, and I even got a Jonathan Toews sweater (which basically is hockey jargon for jersey) for Christmas!


Next up, slipper booties!

I got a pair of these after they went on sale and oh my god. These are wonderful. I like that they've got a soft bottom, because it means a) lots of sliding around the house, and b) they don't feel like I'm wearing slippers! I've got them in grey, but I quite like the red ones as well. I've seen them in other places, but Gap's seem to be the overall best (in my opinion!). Seriously, treat yourself and go get a pair.


Next, we've got the Daily Water app!

daily water app, free in app store.

I'm terrible about drinking enough water, you guys. Really terrible. So, I downloaded this app, which is awesome for keeping track of my water intake! I like how simple it is, too--just nine glasses of water on the screen, and once you've had a glass of water, you click on it, and bam! You're keeping track! It is really nice, and over the past few days, I've been averaging about 4 glasses. I think the normal or suggested amount is about 8, so I need to kick it up! I am trying to work my way up to 8, rather than going at it all in one day, though. I think I'll get there, but drinking more water is definitely one of my New Year's resolutions.


Next, we have graphic sweaters!

I've got way too many sweaters as is (and this hot weather is not helping!), but I can't help but grab more and more sweaters when I see them! I know it's supposed to get cold here soon--or, I hope it will--so, I'd rather be prepared! Target has some really cute ones out right now, and I recently picked up the one above! Super soft and really light--it's a great little sweater!


And, finally, we have the game Undertale.

Wow, you guys. This game is incredible. I've only just started playing it (and boy, is it hard!), but I've seen others on YouTube play it, and I'm in love! The humor is amazing, the characters are all so well-written and create a great story, and everything just meshes so well together. It's a really simple game stylistically, but it's so interesting and different. I don't play video games often because I'm usually terrible at them, but I was captivated by this one!


Well, that's all for my favorites this month. Happy New Year, everyone! <3


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