Friday, May 13, 2016

Life Update

Posted by Meghan at 7:45 PM
So, I should apologize for my absence on here.

I still love fashion, believe me. That's not going away any time soon.

I had a stressful semester full of bad roommates, classes I wasn't really interested in (except one), volunteer duties, and a social life to uphold. To say it's been hectic isn't even covering half of it.

With that being said, I'm home for the summer and looking for something to do. Hockey season ended for my team at the end of April, so I need a hobby for the summer, and I thought blogging might be a good way to do that.

One little caveat: you might see some new things on the blog this summer.

I've been trying to eat healthier this year, since I usually just eat chips and lots of carbs and just bad things, skipping meals almost altogether. I've been recently trying out new foods and recipes that are "healthier" (aka, better than the crap I was eating, but still probably not the best, since I'm very, very picky), so I might post some of those here when I get a chance to really photograph the process.

I also have been really into interior design lately, though I'm not sure how much of that will transfer over to this blog. Figured I'd give you the heads up, especially since I just went to IKEA for the first time on Wednesday, and will be going again tomorrow morning--expect a little haul!

Fashion will still be here. That is not going away any time soon, I promise. I've had less time to shop and even less money to spend, so there might not be a good haul until later in the summer, but I will say with confidence that I'll make more 'Dress Like...' posts, along with favorites and lookbooks.

I might try to write a few more movie reviews as well, though I don't know how many movies I'll see this summer (aside from Captain America: Civil War, which I saw last week and plan on writing a review on soon!).

So, yeah. Just a quick little update regarding my absence the past few months. I hope you all have been well, and I can't wait to get back into blogging!


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