Tuesday, May 17, 2016

April Favorites!

Posted by Meghan at 9:30 AM 0 comments
I know it's the middle of May. This is kind of an April/May favorites, so bear with me!


First up are succulents!

my succulent, peeks!

I've been itching to get a succulent for a long time now, and I finally sucked it up and picked one up! It's super cute, and I love the way it looks in my room. I've got a Graptoveria amethorum (the big four sprouts) along with a Sedum morganianum which is also called burro's tail (it's the one off to the far left). I've hit a few more bumps than I expected with my little plant, but he's mostly doing alright. Luckily, it is very, very hard to kill succulents, so I've just been kind of playing around with how much sunlight he gets and how often I water the pot.

So far, so good!


Next up in my favorites is a Youtube channel, actually! The channel is Nerdy Nummies, hosted by Rosanna Pansino!

Her little dishes are just the cutest! I love how she can make video games, or movies, or TV shows, or whatever, into a cute snack! They're always super adorable, like the Hulk pudding cups above! Seriously, even though I can't bake, she inspires me to make adorable creations like the ones on her channel all the time!


Another Youtube channel I've been loving lately is that of Estee Lalonde!

Her main channel is mostly beauty videos, but I've been loving her vlogs lately! I just found her channel a few weeks ago, and let me tell you--her vlogs are the best. You get to see her adorable greyhound, Reggie, in almost every video, which is more than enough to entice me to watch them. I love vlogs anyways, just to see how other people are living. I think vlogs are nice to put on in the background as I study or as I do other things, like clean or play around on Tumblr and Twitter. Hers are just great, and if you're into vlogs, defninitely check hers out!


I've oddly enough been loving white jeans lately! I've got a pair from Gap last season, and I've worn them more in the past two weeks than I have in the year that I've owned them!

Seriously, I wear these all the time. I just feel like a pair of white jeans is so versatile, and are wonderful for the hot months of summer. I love pairing mine with a black tank top, a black + white kimono, and a pair of strappy wedges for a kind of dressy look, then with a graphic tee, a jean vest (with patches and pins galore) and the same wedges for a little more casual look. They look great with just about anything, so definitely grab a pair for the summer!


And, finally, I've got a show recommendation for you--Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.

seasons 1 + 2 are streaming on netflix now!

Please, please, please tell me you've watched this show. It's only two seasons, and it's on Netflix. How much more could you ask for? And it's hilarious, my god. Really, really ridiculous and dumb most of the time, but it's hilarious, and I always reference it! The acting in it is perfectly hilarious, and it was created by Tina Fey. Literally, what more could you ask for in a show?


So, I hope you enjoyed my April favorites, and I'll see you again with another favorites post at the end of the month!

Monday, May 16, 2016

IKEA Haul!

Posted by Meghan at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Oh, man. I've been introduced to a whole new world, you guys.

I've only been to IKEA once before this trip, and it was so long ago that I really didn't remember the first time. I was supposed to go yesterday, but my mom wasn't feeling well and it is quite a haul up there.

Still, I bought more than I should have.


Without further ado, here are all the products I bought!


First, I needed some kitchen items. That's actually what most of the things in this haul are!

I love little freeze pops, or popsicles. But, the ones they sell at Target or the grocery store are either really fake-tasting or expensive.

So, I saw these little ice pop molds and needed them!

CHOSIGT Ice pop maker IKEA Fill with fruit juice and make your own ice pops. For the mold to easily loosen, rinse with lukewarm water.

Two dollars for six adorable ice pop trays? Yes, please! I bought the blue/green option, because most of my kitchen things are shades of blue, so it matches better. Seriously, though, they're adorable, and perfect for summer! I have yet to try them out, so I'd love to find some recipes for ice pops soon!


Next item on my list is an apple slicer!

SPRITTA Apple slicer IKEA Can also be used for slicing onions into wedges, etc.

This was one of those things that I thought I'd like to have and would speed up the process a whole lot. And, it does! I actually just used it yesterday to slice an apple, and though you definitely need to put some muscle into it, it does get the job done! And, it was only $3. Can't beat that, can you?


Next, I bought some ice trays!

PLASTIS Ice cube tray IKEA
plastis (ice cube tray), $1.

So, they actually don't have my version online, but essentially, it's a blue tray with about five or six long ice cubes that are meant to be put into a water bottle! I thought this was brilliant, since I carry my Camelbak with me everywhere, but always struggle with getting regular ice cubes from getting stuck at the bottom or the top. So, hopefully these will work out a little better! I do plan on going back and getting the fish ones as well, though. They're just too cute to pass up.


I also picked up a chopping board!

PROPPMÄTT Chopping board IKEA Can be placed over the bowl on BOHOLMEN, BREDSKÄR or FYNDIG sink to get an extra work surface for preparing food.

I don't do a whole lot of cooking, but I definitely make smoothies, and cutting up fruit on my counter is just not working. I figured I needed an actual cutting board. Thoough, I think when I go back next, I'll get another flimsier one for fruits and use this nice one for meats, since you can't use the same for both. Something science-y, I'm sure. Anyways, I just thought it was nice and would look nice in any kind of kitchen that I may have in the future!


Going along with the kitchen theme, I bought some Swedish snacks from IKEA, which surprised me!

KEX Biscuits IKEA Wholemeal biscuits for kids. Just the right size for their little hands!Daim Chocolate Bags - 200g Individual wrapped Daim Chocolates
kex biscuits, $3; daim chocolates, $4.

I was pretty certain I'd like the Kex biscuits--they're very similar in taste to graham crackers. But, I took a chance on the Daim chocolates, and let me tell you: my life has been changed for the better. They are so, so delicious, and kind of similar to Heath bars, except 50 times better. I'm itching to go back so I can get more of both of these snacks!


And, for two things that were unrelated to the kitchen items, I bought a frame and some batteries.

FISKBO Frame IKEA Can be used hanging or standing, both horizontally and vertically, to fit in the space available.

I really just needed a cheap frame for my certificate for an honor society I was recently inducted into, and this one works wonderfully! And, best of all, it was really inexpensive! I like that it's got the stand if I wanted to place it on a desk or table, but it also has little nail hooks in the back if I wanted to hang it.

And, I won't show the batteries, since those are, well, just batteries. They were cheap, though--I think I got 10 for like $2, so I bought two packs.


So, overall, I'd say my first real trip to IKEA was a success! I think I spent only $25, which is crazy considering the things I bought. I'm definitely excited to go back to get some more things for my final year of college!

Saturday, May 14, 2016

(Small) Lush Haul!

Posted by Meghan at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Now, this is a very, very small haul (only three bath bombs!), but I figured I'd let you guys know what I've been loving from Lush this season!

I think the last time I bought bath bombs was back in December, so it's been way too long! With that being said, let's get into what I bought.


First, I wanted something fresh. What's fresher than Avobath?


This was one of the last ones I smelled before deciding which ones to buy, and oh my god, it smells so good. It's perfect for summer, since it smells fresh, but light. I feel like this one would be good for days when you're feeling like you need a little pick-me-up--according to Lush's website, it's got lemongrass, avocado, and olive oil in it, which makes for a great bath bomb for the mornings when you can't seem to wake up! I'm super excited to try this one, friends!


Next, I picked up the Ickle Baby Bot!

Ickle Baby Bot

Unlike the last one, this one is filled with lavender and smells like a dream. It's meant to help you fall asleep on those nights when sleeps seems to elude you. Along with lavender, this little bath bomb has sandalwood and chamomile, meaning a wonderful night's sleep. I'm looking forward to trying this one out, since I do find that it's hard for me to fall asleep some nights, and I know this would help.


And, finally, I bought the Dragon's Egg.

Dragon's Egg

I wasn't going to pick this one up, but my roommate convinced me to finally just cave. It smells like a dream, oh my god. It's so airy and light, which makes it all that much better. I know it's got a strong citrus-y smell, too, which is perfect for summer! The best part is that it's got little discs of shea butter in it (that's what the colorful bits are), which means your skin is going to love you after you bathe with this one. Like Avobath, I think this one is perfect for waking you up and getting you ready for the day!


So, there's my haul! Maybe once I go through these I'll write a review and maybe do another haul with more bath bombs! Hope you enjoyed, and I'll be sure to report back!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Life Update

Posted by Meghan at 7:45 PM 0 comments
So, I should apologize for my absence on here.

I still love fashion, believe me. That's not going away any time soon.

I had a stressful semester full of bad roommates, classes I wasn't really interested in (except one), volunteer duties, and a social life to uphold. To say it's been hectic isn't even covering half of it.

With that being said, I'm home for the summer and looking for something to do. Hockey season ended for my team at the end of April, so I need a hobby for the summer, and I thought blogging might be a good way to do that.

One little caveat: you might see some new things on the blog this summer.

I've been trying to eat healthier this year, since I usually just eat chips and lots of carbs and just bad things, skipping meals almost altogether. I've been recently trying out new foods and recipes that are "healthier" (aka, better than the crap I was eating, but still probably not the best, since I'm very, very picky), so I might post some of those here when I get a chance to really photograph the process.

I also have been really into interior design lately, though I'm not sure how much of that will transfer over to this blog. Figured I'd give you the heads up, especially since I just went to IKEA for the first time on Wednesday, and will be going again tomorrow morning--expect a little haul!

Fashion will still be here. That is not going away any time soon, I promise. I've had less time to shop and even less money to spend, so there might not be a good haul until later in the summer, but I will say with confidence that I'll make more 'Dress Like...' posts, along with favorites and lookbooks.

I might try to write a few more movie reviews as well, though I don't know how many movies I'll see this summer (aside from Captain America: Civil War, which I saw last week and plan on writing a review on soon!).

So, yeah. Just a quick little update regarding my absence the past few months. I hope you all have been well, and I can't wait to get back into blogging!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

University Courses and Classes Q & A!

Posted by Meghan at 11:03 AM 0 comments
Sorry I've been AWOL! This semester's been a hard one for me, so I've been kind of sparse.

Anyways, here's the last (for now) installment of the University Q & A--the dreaded classes. Hopefully, after reading this, you won't be so worried about choosing the right classes to take, or picking the right major--it's all made out to seem a lot worse than it is, promise!


Q: Okay, this might possibly be a silly question, but here we go. Can you do two majors at once? I thought you could only do either a Single Honours or a Joint Honours degree, and on the Joint option, I thought it was like either a major with a minor, or a subject and another one (half-half as I call it.) That’s why when you told me you were studying History and Communication I thought you meant a ‘half-half’ Joint Honors degree sort of thing. Maybe the two majors option is only a thing over there in the States and not in the UK? Because to be fair, that’s where I had the whole ‘briefing on degree options’ lecture.

A: In the US, you can have (possibly) up to four majors, I think. It kind of depends--most universities don't allow you to go over a certain number of credit hours, and I have no clue why anyone would want to quadruple major, but, I guess anything's possible! From my understanding, double majoring in the US is similar to joint majoring in the UK. I think with the UK's standards, though, it's more like two majors that are designed to work together, where as in the US, you can take whatever two majors you want to--like, Biology and, I don't know... Theatre! I'm assuming they don't offer that as a joint major in the UK (but, who knows! I could be totally wrong!). It can get a little confusing, but I would just ask your advisor or a professor if you aren't sure about it! I know it varies by school as well, so there's really no telling how each university does it.


Q: Allow me to agree with you on this point, why would someone on their right mind choose to do FOUR MAJORS?!?! That’s just welcoming insanity to take over. Wow. That’s crazy.

A: Yeah, no, I do not recommend four majors. At all.


Q: So, I did some research and apparently in the UK the only thing you can do is the Joint Honours I told you about, either the halfsies option, or do a Major&Minor combination (X with Y, where you do 60% of your course on X and 40% on Y).  Apparently Double Honours is not quite like the Double Majors you can do in the US because of the whole half-half balance. This really good student forum for UK students had professors saying that a Double Major programme in the US allows you to do two full subjects in one degree, while you lose quite a lot of content on the Double Honours. Although, I did read that you end up doing more than just half a major for each subject in the Double Honours programme, but you still don’t do two whole majors.

A: Oh, yeah, I forgot all about minors! Minors are also a pretty good way to get some depth in a particular section of a subject! I was going to minor in French for a while, but I decided it'd be too much with a double-major. But, yes, in the US, since I'm double majoring, I'll have two full degrees--one in History, and one in Communications (should everything work out!). That's weird that the UK does it that way, but I suppose it's to lower the amount of hours you need for a major. Both of my majors are around 40-50 hours total, so my two majors will be at least 90 hours of my schooling out of about 124? I think I might be a bit off on my numbers, but that's about it. So, yeah, it's tricky.


Q: Wait, so universities over there count how many hours you do for a degree? I thought the only sort of “measure” they used were credits. Do you have to do those 124h of classes otherwise you can’t graduate, then?

A: And, yeah, we get credits, but credits & hours are the same thing--sort of. It gets complicated with labs (science ones, that is) because they're technically three-hour-long classes, but only count for one 'hour' or credit. It gets sticky really quickly. Most courses are three 'hours'/credits, and then you can pick if you want it twice a week (meeting for an hour & fifteen minutes on Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) or three times (meeting for fifty minutes Monday/Wednesday/Friday. It gets tricky, but that's the simple version, haha. But, yes, you need 124 to graduate, though you can go over that. They just don't want you under that number.


Q: I think I get how it works now, so credits are hours are pretty much just two ways of keeping track of how many classes students are attending. That makes sense.

A: Yeah, credits=hours and vice versa. It gets confusing, but, you know. It is what it is.


Q: I’m sorry, I’m confused, but this is so exciting! I thought about doing Eng Lit with History of Art for a while, or even half-half them, but I didn’t want to miss out on either one and clearly Lit was my main thing.

A: It's alright, love! It's all very confusing, believe me. I promise, though, once you get into it, you're going to love university. It's a great place, honestly. Stressful, but great. And, that sounds really interesting! I took a Brit Lit class last year and absolutely adored it. It was partially because I had a great, young professor who knew how students like to learn, but there's so much good British or even just English literature out there that I'm sure there isn't a bad professor for it! I took an Art History course freshman year, too! I took it from Early Renaissance (about 1200) all the way up to modernity (I think we ended around the 1960s), and it was a great class. I kind of wish I'd taken the first part as well! I think half-and-halfing them may not be a bad idea--again, I would talk to an advisor or professor for that, seeing as I don't know the specifics of the UK system.


Q: You work in a clothing store alongside your two majors? How do you even manage to find the time of day for a social life and omg for your writing as well? I bow at your feet for your excellent time managing skills.

A: Well, in all fairness, I usually don't work during school time. I usually just work when I'm home from school for a weekend, or I'm on break. I'm not that amazing! But, I will say, my time management skills have definitely skyrocketed since being away at school. At some point you kind of just realize that you're on your own, and if something doesn't get done on time, it's all on you.


Q: Can you tell me a bit about how you balance work and studying and, well, living life? I’m really worried that I’ll end up lagging with my reading list or the assignments as a result of just being too tired to care.

A: It's really difficult at first--until you get yourself into a good routine, which, sadly, does take some time. But, there are a few things that you can do to kind of remedy that! I know at the beginning of each semester, I look at my courses' syllabuses & write out my (usually tentative) schedule for the semester! This at least helps me figure out what weeks I'll be busy, and keep myself on top of deadlines, rather than drowning under them! It's really important to know priorities, too. Like, right now [when I conducted the 'interview' in January], I don't have much going on, so being on Tumblr is alright. But, I know once I really get into my courses, I'll have to kind of curb how often I'm on Tumblr, so I can properly focus on my school stuff. You'll have time to live, I promise! I had a 17-hour class load last semester, but I still had plenty of time to be on Tumblr or go hang out with friends! I promise it's not as terrible or scary as it seems. It just takes a good routine. For example, today, I don't have class until 11AM, so I'm using this time for my free time today, since I don't know how much I'll have later. Actually living at school is very, very possible--you just have to make yourself a good, solid routine!


Q: That sounds really helpful! It’s what I used to do in school to organise all I had to do, and all the deadlines I had to meet etc. Hopefully I’ll keep that habit in university as well. And yeah, talk about setting priorities. I got so comfy during the holidays not having to worry about work, and dedicating my time to my friends and tumblr, and now, like I said before, I’m having to fall back into reality and prioritize translating over writing and tumblr. But, alas, we all have responsibilities. I miss not being an adult.

A: I'm serious--organizing will save your life. I have a desk calendar and I've put all of my important dates and such on the calendar, and seeing it all laid out... I'm a lot less worried about my semester than I was a week ago! It sounds cliche and stuff, but, seriously, when you have your life together, everything's easier. If you've already been organized and on a schedule, you should be fine! Well, that's okay. You can get back into a routine, I promise. It's usually kind of easy to fall back into one (but, be careful--it's just as easy to fall out of one!), especially if it's a routine you've had before. And, that's okay. Once you get back into your routine, I bet you'll find time in between the messier parts of life that you can save for Tumblr & writing. I totally agree with you. Some days, I wish Peter Pan would just come take me to Neverland, so I never have to grow up!


I sincerely hope that I'll be able to answer some more questions about university in the future, so if you've got questions, please ask! I'd be happy to answer any you had!

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Clothing Favorites 101

Posted by Meghan at 10:58 AM 0 comments
So, I know when I do a lookbook, favorites, or 'Dress Like...' post, I tend to post from about the same places each time--especially when it comes to clothing!

And, I thought that maybe since I do that, I'd let you all in on where I do get my ideas for lookbooks and where I pull most of my material from! I think you can guess some of them, but I thought I'd break it down into what you can find there that's useful, and what to expect as far as prices and styles go.




Description: Trendy, mostly inexpensive clothing store with quirky items to add to your wardrobe each season.
Price range: $-$$
Styles: Trends, some basics
Sizing: Since it is relatively inexpensive, the sizing can be kind of all over the place. A safe bet (especially when ordering online) is to go up a size, unless it's something meant to be over-sized.
Anything else?: If you're looking for a long-lasting piece (in other words jeans, jackets, boots, etc.) that are not going out of style soon, I might by-pass F21. I love it, and I have gotten some really quality items here before, but as a general rule of thumb, if it's something I know I will use again and again and isn't just a fad or trend, I'll buy it elsewhere.
Website: xxx



Description: Inexpensive, basic clothing that lasts pretty well.
Price range: $-$$
Styles: Basics with a few trendy pieces
Sizing: True to size (maybe a little big on some items)
Anything else?: The trick to Old Navy is wait until after the season is over to grab the items you want. Their prices aren't bad to begin with, but I've gotten three pairs of shoes from there, all under $10, just by waiting until the end of a season. On the same token, though, if it's a trendy item and there's a coupon, go ahead and get it before it's gone. Popular items do go really quickly.
Website: xxx



Description: Good place to search the sale wall.
Price range: $-$$ (can be $$$ if there's a third-party collection)
Styles: Mostly trends and basics
Sizing: Depends
Anything else?: Like I said above, I rarely buy anything at Target for the full price. It takes them longer to rotate clothing than, say, Forever 21, but they do put things on sale relatively often. If there's a store near you, I'd go maybe once a week and see what you can find. I've found some seriously great pieces for not a lot of money here!
Website: xxx



Description: Relatively inexpensive clothing with a kind of hipster/LA feeling.
Price range: $$
Styles: Very trendy, a few basics
Sizing: Runs small (and in European sizes, so if you're a 2 in the US, your size might vary here)
Anything else?: You can get some awesome deals here. I got a really lovely trapeze dress last summer for I think $12? It wasn't even on sale yet, that was the base price. They're a good place to go if you're looking for trendy pieces but don't want to spend a fortune on them.
Website: xxx



Description: Classic looking clothing, and seems very NYC-chic.
Price range: $$-$$$
Styles: A good mix of basics, trendy and classic
Sizing: True to size
Anything else?: I wish I had a Zara store near me! I visited the one in New York City, and I fell in love. The clothes are very, very well-made, and I was surprised to find that most of the items in the store are not overly expensive for the quality. I'd say stay away from the trendy pieces in here and head to a less-expensive store such as Forever 21 or H&M.
Website: xxx



Description: Classic, American-styled clothing that feels comfortable while looking chic.
Price range: $$-$$$
Styles: Classic, basics
Sizing: True to size/A little big
Anything else?: A great brand that keeps things interesting. Even though most of the collections look the same from season to season, they're consistent. You know that if you get a pair of jeans one year and want another pair the next, they'll most likely have them.
Website: xxx



Description: High-end, classic looks. Think Ralph Lauren.
Price range: $$$-$$$$
Styles: Classic
Sizing: True to size
Anything else?: If you want something you know is very, very well-made, look no further. They've got some really classic pieces and not a lot of trendy items. I'd say this is one of those stores that you look in the sale section. It'll be easy on your wallet, and you'll still get a beautiful piece. Definitely one of my favorites, and the customer service is incredible.
Website: xxx



Description: Essentially J. Crew for teenage/young adult girls.
Price range: $$$-$$$$
Styles: Classic
Sizing: True to size
Anything else?: I don't get an opportunity to go into Madewell that often, but I peek my head in every once in a while and usually find something I love. Like J. Crew, all of their items are very well-made and last the user a long, long time. Definitely the place to go for staple items like coats, ballet flats, flannels, etc.
Website: xxx



Description: Quirky, eccentric home and clothing style.
Price range: $$$$
Styles: Unique, classic
Sizing: True to size
Anything else?: Anthro is usually a pipe dream for me. I do love going in there, and I own quite a few of their homewares (which are very well crafted and adorable). I just recently bought a skirt there, and like I've been saying for most of these stores, go when the season ends! Seriously, you can get some crazy deals on items that are often well over $100.
Website: xxx


And, there's my list! I'll probably add more as I find more places I like shopping at. I hope you enjoyed, and let me know what stores you tend to lean towards!

Friday, January 22, 2016

University Eats Q & A!

Posted by Meghan at 1:26 PM 0 comments
Hey everyone! I'm back with another installment of my University help!

This installment is focusing on what there is to eat on campus, and what you can do to avoid eating the same thing every night or falling into an unhealthy rut!


Q: What about meals? Surely dorms don’t have mini fridges, so I’m assuming you mostly had to eat out or something.

A: I actually had a micro-fridge! It was a microwave sitting on top of a fridge. I had to rent it from the school, but it was a good investment. But, if you can't do that, I still had a lot of food in a bin under my bed--things like chips, pretzels, peanut butter, etc... In my apartment, it's a lot easier to eat, since I've got a working kitchen. But, eating somewhere on campus is always an option--I mean, it is for me. I have a certain number of 'meal swipes' for the week, but I mostly only use them for dinner (I have 10 a week, starting fresh every Monday). Plus, we paid for a number of 'food dollars' as well (I think between $200-300?) that we could use on-campus at places like Subway or Dunkin' Donuts, or even the little marketplaces on campus. But, keeping small food items in your room is alright. I did that and I was fine!


Q: I hope I can get something like the micro-fridge you rented. It would make life much easier for me as I can survive just fine with a mini fridge and a microwave. Let’s just not mention how tasty or how healthy most of my meals would be, haha! I guess that’s uni life for undergrads, especially freshers like meself.

A: A micro-fridge will save your life. It's not big (obviously), but it did what it needed to. I even shared it with someone & there was enough space! It definitely makes things easier--you can freeze/heat & refreeze/reheat things as often as you please! Oh, I'm convinced that living healthy on campus is totally possible! I'm trying (with my roommates) to get into a better routine & eating healthier this semester. We'll see how it goes, but I've already found some good smoothie recipes (I don't know if you'll be able to have a blender, but I'm allowed to!), & I've found some alternatives to the junk food I already eat. If you need any ideas there, I can try & help there, too!


Q: Can I also ask if you guys cook now that you’re sharing an apartment with roommates? Because I’m not a cook at all, but I can cook to survive. So like, do you guys actually use your kitchen on a daily basis or not really? Because with classes I’m guessing you’d have little time left (and disposition) to be making your own food every single day.

A: You can ask anything you want, love! And, yes, occasionally we do. We don't have a lot of cooking supplies (yet) so we just kind of make whatever we can with an oven/stove and a pizza pan! We've made pizza, cookies, and a few other things I can't think of. I'm getting a frying pan when I go home next, so I'll be able to make eggs & grilled cheese and stuff. But, we have a microwave, too, so popcorn is always an option, as is mac & cheese. If you can operate a microwave, you should be totally fine! Most grocery stores sell anything you'd ever want in microwavable form--whether it's good or not is a totally different story. I don't personally make food every day, but I know my roommates usually make lunch in the microwave (I usually make PB&J sandwiches, which are easier)!


Q: That’s nice that you guys have baked some things already! Homemade pizza is a tricky one, isn’t it? I’m too scared to even attempt making it by myself, you guys have some really good cooking skills there!

A: Yeah, we've baked a few things--not much, mind you, but enough that we're comfortable with the stove/oven settings. And, yeah, that's about how it goes! If we make cookies... They're gone in a day. And, actually, ours isn't really homemade--it's a frozen pizza! But, I've made handmade pizza before and it's not too terribly difficult! I probably could walk you through that, too!


Q: On the sandwiches note, I bet all the money I don’t have that I’ll end up making myself a sandwich for lunch and dinner everyday just for the practicality of it. 

A: Sandwiches will become your best friends. I promise.


Q: You know what, if I get a microfridge thing I’ll endeavour to keep up healthy eating - I actually LOVE SALADS AND GREENS. I suppose I can keep the leaves on the fridge and make myself a salad with veggies fairly quickly :) Which means salad sandwiches will very likely become my everyday lunch!

A: You can totally eat healthy at school. You just have to work a little harder at it than eating terribly. But, good! If you like salads, you should be just fine! From my experience, most universities offer salad options at at least one of the on-campus dining places. There's nothing wrong with salad sandwiches!


I hope this was of some help to some of you new college students or rising college students!


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